Monday, September 17, 2007

9/16/2007 - Regurgitation

Gizmo has thrown up a few times in the past week. No more than one per day though. Everything should be okay. We need to give him more of his Catlax that he loves so much /sarcasm. It's mostly hairballs, but not one that I've really ever seen. They are fairly small, but I'm sure that's what they mostly are.

Friday, September 14, 2007

09/13/2007 - Who's the traitor?

Gizmo is a boy and he is drawn to Julie. Ellie is a girl and she is drawn to Jake. That has been the one thing we can count on, until now. It seems they have switched sides and are going against what should be set. Gizmo now hangs with Jake more and Ellie with Julie more. So, what's going on?

Simple, they are changing. More to come...

07/05/2007 - Vet Visit

Gizmo threw up 4 times in 2 days so we decided to take him to the vet while Ellie stayed behind. The vet (who wasn't our regular) was not very nice. She gave us some "Catlax" to give to him after shoving her finger in his throat. That's just mean.

As it turns out we should have probably brought Ellie along as well. According to Best Friends Pet Care Ellie is smelling Gizmo's "new" scent and it's throwing her off. She will touch noses with him and then hiss as she assumes he is a stranger. We are going to have to rub Gizmo with a towel as well as Ellie to make them friends again, whew.

04/04/2007 - Adult Food

Giz & Ell have graduated to Adult Formula Multi-cat food. Hopefully, this will not be recalled like the wet food was. We are on a 4 day weening off program, with the mixture going to 50-50 today and 75-25 tomorrow.

11/22/2006 - Home Sweet Home

"Giz" and "Ell" are now living it up with a cat condo/tree of their very own. After 3 months of planning and putting it off, the condo/tree is finally finished. It looks exactly like the drawing on the Condo Page.

After the move Giz & Ell are quite comfortable and happy with their surroundings. Even better news, is the fact that they sleep with us every single night. The only problem is, they sleep right in the middle of us, one wrong move and we'll know about it.

10/16/2006 - The Move

After having been quarantined in my old office for 1.5 days, Gizmo and Ellie were finally free! It was in the carrier and over to the new house. At first, they had to be again, subject to the office for 3 days until we could fully unpack and make it cat-proof.

Finally on October 12, they were free to roam all around this new world. I thought they would have a tough time negotiating the steps, but I was wrong. The quick bursts of energy and speed aren't slowed by the steps. They are adjusting well, that's all for now.

09/07/2006 - Six Months

Gizmo & Ellie have reached a milestone, they are now (09/10/2006) 6 months old. In Human years, they are Age 10-15. I couldn't really find an exact figure but most sites agree that 6 months old in Cat Years is roughly 10-15 Human Years.

08/27/2006 - Climber Cats

I think red flags are flying in the wind. Gizmo and Ellie are jumping up on everything they can. As of now, they are no longer sleeping with us at night. They know counter s are off limits, but they insist on marking their territory. The Cat Condo can't come soon enough.

We have a birthday coming up! Age on September 1: 25 Weeks.

08/19/2006 - Cat Condo

After getting a sizable roll of brand new carpet, I've decided to make a Cat Condo. Giz & El are getting frustrated because they can jump but not onto anything. Every time they get on the sink (which they know they aren't supposed to be on) they get sprayed. Hopefully the Cat Condo will remedy this problem.

08/15/2006 - Acrobatics

I knew it would happen sooner or later, but not this soon. Gizmo has learned how to jump into our kitchen sink. Yes, he has about a 5 foot vertical leap, if not more. Maybe he is smelling food, but whatever the reason he needs to s!

07/18/2006 - Life as usual

Giz & El are finally set in their ways. Each night they sleep with us, well, for most of the night. They wake up at approximately 4:30am and want to play. This can get old pretty quick, but usually one of us just puts them in the living room. Giz sleeps in my arm and El on my legs. Moving is difficult to do, but not moving is easier.

06/29/2006 - Medicine Madness

De-worming medicine is a necessary evil of having cats. That's not the worst part, the owner has to give it to their pet. Gizmo & Ellie are no exception. The medicine comes in a syringe (without the needle) to be squirted into their mouth! I had to hold them by the neck to get them to eat. I should have consulted this site first. Next time, it won't be so bad.

06/28/2006 - Sawing Logs

Gizmo and Ellie are now sleeping in our bed with us. Last night was the first time. I had my arm straight out and bent at the elbow, Gizmo made his way to my arm and made it his spot. Ellie slept right next to my head and was basically on my pillow. Finally, they are sleeping when they should be instead of running around.

We give them their pain pills everyday when I get home from work. Ellie seems to take them better but Gizmo puts up a huge fight. We've learned if they don't get their pills they become very lethargic.

06/25/2006 - Claw No More or The Vet 2

Gizmo and Ellie were brought home yesterday with much excitement; the cats couldn't wait to get home! After they got home it was the Feline Speedway. Anticipating sleep and general calmness, Gizmo and Ellie surprised us with their exercise.

The surgery went just fine, no bleeding or limping from either of the two. They slept with us for the first time Saturday night, but sleep wasn't what they had in mind. I was awake every hour trying to calm them down.

The only thing that didn't seem right was Sunday. Gizmo and Ellie were sleeping almost the entire day and didn't want to do anything. After they received their pill it was off to the races again. Gizmo threw up, about a dime size but he's okay.

06/20/2006 - We have a winner

After going into my office for 10 minutes I heard Julie yell for me. Gizmo & Ellie were going crazy, it was as if they were high on catnip. However, we don't use catnip, so they must have just missed me. I came out and they immediately calmed down. I went back in for a half-hour and they were jumping at the door to get in. I finally completed my work and went into the living room with them. All was calm the rest of the night.

06/19/2006 - Late night meow

We had a late night meow around 12:30AM. I "woke up" and went out to the living room to see what was going on. They both immediately jumped on my lap wanting attention. After about 15 minutes, I decided they "suckered" me enough. Also, a shout-out to Zissou (Zee-Sue) - feel better!

06/18/2006 - Countdown

June 23rd cannot come soon enough. We can't wait for the declawing, just to calm them down for a few days. Gizmo has been pretty mean to Ellie lately; the fighting is almost out of control. Hopefully they can work out their differences soon.

06/14/2006 - The Vet

The visit to the vet was not nearly as nerve-racking as I thought it would be. Gizmo and Ellie did VERY well. They didn't jump, meow or hiss even once. They both received 2 shots and some yellow paste in their mouths. Healthy and ready for a declawing, that day is the 23rd.

Our vet of choice is Dr. Turner at the Fort Thomas Animal Hospital. After talking to them on the phone they seemed to know the most about cats. They demonstrated confidence in the way they spoke. They have 2 new clients because of that.

06/12/2006 - The Claw

My left hand looks like its been hit by a weed whacker. Ellie has effectively turned my hand into a cutting board. It was never really her fault, I picked her up and she was scared. I was holding her and the dryer signal scared her and she jumped right out of my hands.

Gizmo & Ellie have also been "playing" with each other in the form of fighting. I don't really like it and I'm going to try to put a s to it, one of them is going to hurt the other.

06/08/2006 - Wild Kingdom

This morning it was almost impossible to walk. Gizmo and Ellie were all over my feet. Talk about wanting attention. Julie and I searched for the "right" vet. We think we found one: The Hebron Vet Hospital. Hopefully, everything works out.

Gizmo & Ellie were bad today, we think. Julie came home to a lamp knocked over and a tree too! We think one climbed the tree and it fell. Everyone is okay.

06/07/2006 - More Exploring

Gizmo & Ellie have a routine down, in the morning get as much attention as possible. They ran over to me the minute they saw me...and wouldn't leave me alone. In the evening, both Gizmo & Ellie cuddled with me on the couch. Once they calm down from their day of running and chasing each other, it's time for sleep. We are going to the vet soon to get them declawed.

HISS - Ellie hissed at Julie today. Ellie had managed to get all the way to the shelf of our closet. Julie had no choice but to spray her...and was met with a hiss.

06/06/2006 - Cuddle Cats

This morning I woke up and said "good morning" to Gizmo and Ellie. As I petted them they wanted more and more attention. They followed me all around and brushed up against my legs. I had to get in the shower, so I had to throw a toy in the living room. They went after the toy and allowed me to jump in the shower.

Big day again! Gizmo now cuddles with us on the couch. Julie and I were lying and called Gizmo over. He was a little unsure, but then jumped on up. He stayed for about 5 minutes. Then about 30 minutes later, on his own, he jumped up and started to cuddle again. He's been cuddling with someone on the couch all night. Ellie is not cuddling yet.

When they were "playing" it seemed more like fighting. We had to spray them again because it looked like Gizmo was hurting Ellie.

06/05/2006 - If I only had a name

Okay, maybe I'm changing "Pepper's" name. So as of now he's male-cat. Mac is a good possibility. Eh, no. Gizmo is the new name.

OUCH! Julie was scratched by Ellie today. It wasn't intentional, she was just trying to keep from falling. Ellie got Julie on the side of her face and left some marks, but everyone is okay. They've been playing a lot with the scratch post and their toys.

Today also marked the first day we had to spray them. They were ripping the carpet and the couch so we had to "punish" them. Ellie had quite a scare as well, when Julie and I were eating dinner. She wanted to see what we were doing so she jumped up on a chair and put her front paws on the table and tried to get up. She was gripping the placemat and she slipped off. The worst part was a vase almost hit her (the vase was on the placemat). She didn't get hit though.

06/04/2006 - Coming Home

"Hans" & Elsa were brought home around 3:00. We opened the carrier door and they both pretty much walked out. After they explored for a while we both were able to hold them. Eventually, they made their way under the couch...and stayed. We had a tough time getting them out, but we did.

After showing them where the food and litter box was, both cats were all over Jake. Julie was getting a little jealous.

During dinner, I decided on the name "Pepper" instead of Hans. Julie is keeping Elsa and we're calling her Ellie for short.

When we were going to bed, both cats meowed wanting more attention. They tried to jump up on the bed and could barely make it. We picked them up and put them on the bed, but they then jumped off. Then they made it up again, and jumped back down. It was clear this wouldn't work. We put them in the living room and they "cried" only for a minute or two. By morning, they were curled up on the couch on MY blanket.

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